(EN) Frequently Asked Question
Below are frequently asked questions regarding the Aiko Virtual x Recomet collaboration campaign
Please do not hesitate to contact us on discord if you have any other questions not covered in this document!
- General FAQ: Contains FAQ that applies to both Artists and Requesters, as well as information about the campaignâs perks and rewards
- Artistsâ FAQ: Contains FAQ that applies to Artistsâ participants
- Requestersâ FAQ: Contain FAQ that applies to Requester participants.
- For Recometâs English creatorâs guidelines, check here. The Creator guideline in Japanese is here.
- For Recometâs English requesterâs guidelines, check here. The Requester guideline in Japanese is here.
 đ General FAQ
- Do I need to hold an Aiko Virtual NFT to be eligible for the campaign, either as a requester or as an artist? How will Recomet track the ownership?
For this campaign, possessions of Aiko Virtual NFT are only compulsory for requesters. Creators do not need to own an Aiko Virtual NFT to participate.
We track the eligibility of the participants based on the possession of a Aiko Virtual NFT in the wallet registered in the Recomet system. In addition, requesters should attach their owned Aiko Virtual NFT in the NFT attachment feature as proof of their ownership.
- What does a 0% platform fee mean?
For all Aiko derivative requests made by Aiko holders to artists made during the request send-in period, the artists will receive the entire earnings.
- How many requests I should send or accept to be counted as participating in the campaign?
Sending (including depositing payment) or accepting 1 request is sufficient to be eligible for the campaignâs perks and rewards.
 đš Artistsâ FAQ
- How do I join the campaign as an artist?
To join the campaign as an artist, simply accept a request for an Aiko derivative! Artists do not need to be the holder of Aiko Virtual NFT to be eligible for the campaign.
For a step-by-step of accepting requests, check out the Creatorâs Guideline
- What will happen if I deliver the requested work past the campaignâs final delivery deadline?
Artists who deliver the requested works past the final delivery deadline will only be eligible for the 0% platform fee. They will not be eligible for other rewards such as the NFT stamp.
- Do I need to accept all the requests I received during the campaign period?
No, there is no pressure to accept every request. We do not enforce automatic approval and you can approve only requests you wish to accept.
- Will I be eligible for rewards and perks if I accepted a last-minute request on time, but the requester deposited the payment late?
Yes. we will count such cases as eligible, however since we will need to make exceptions for cases like this, please contact the Recomet team when it happens.
 đŒ Requestersâ FAQ
- How do I join the campaign as a requester?
To join the campaign as the requester, send a request for an Aiko Virtual derivative to any artist.
A requester will be counted as a participant once their request (commission) is accepted and payment is deposited. Do note that there is a deadline for a request send-in, and several artists may receive more requests than they can possibly accept. Further, transactions may take a while to approve, and unexpected errors may also occur. To avoid this, please try to not send a request close to the deadline of the request send-in period.
When sending the request, please attach the Aiko Virtual NFT you own as a proof of ownership of the Aiko.

Aiko Virtual does not implement CC0. This means you can only request a derivative of the Aiko you are currently holding.
Please note that Recomet does not allow revision or redrawing. Communication will be strictly done through the description attached to your request.
For a step-by-step of sending a request, check out the Requester Guidelines
- Will I be eligible for rewards (stamps) if I send a request and cancel it?
No. Please note that you will be counted as participating (and therefore, eligible for rewards) when you send a request, have the request accepted, and deposit the payment within the request send-in period.
- What will happen if I send a request outside the request send-in period?
If you send an Aiko derivative request outside the campaignâs request send-in period, the request will be treated as a standard request. It will not be eligible for the campaignâs perks and rewards.
- Will I be eligible for the rewards (stamps and raffles) if the artist I commissioned delivers the artwork past the campaignâs delivery deadline?
Yes. You would be eligible for the rewards if your request was accepted and paid within the request send-in period, regardless of the delivery timing and result.
- Can I sell or move the Aiko NFT away from my registered wallet during the campaign period?
There will be a vote for the best-dressed Aiko at the end of the campaign. Prior to the transfer of the prize, we might ask the winner of the best-dressed Aiko for proof of ownership of the winning Aiko. Therefore, we advise you to not move or sell your Aiko during the campaign period.